Interview on Talking Vision New Horizons interview

Edition 191 for the week of  25 November 2013.


This week we introduce the new leaders at Blind Citizens Australia (BCA). BCA is the national organisation of people who are blind or vision impaired. In recent times this organisation has undergone significant change, with the appointment of a new Executive Officer in the middle of this year and the election of a new president in October. In this program Stephen Jolley chats with these two people to explore their background, their vision for BCA and their take on the importance of the organisation to the blindness and vision impaired community.


Participants this week are:

  • Rosemary Boyd, Executive Officer of BCA;
  • Greg Madson, President of BCA.


Also this week, Frances Keyland from the Vision Australia Library, previews another title in Reader Recommended.


You can listen here to this week’s program or go to the Talking Vision web page for broadcast details, an outline of past programs and links to associated audio.


Please spread the word that people can keep in touch with the program through Twitter by following talkingvision1.


Stephen Jolley

Client Communications Advisor

Vision AustraliaI was recently interviewed on New Horizons,  program 322.


Robyn Gaile speaks with Greg

> Madson, the new National President of Blind Citizens

> Australia.


> The direct link to listen is and


to download is
