join Self Advocacy and Peer Support on Dec 3 in Northbridge

International Day of People With Disability with Self Advocacy and Peer Support WA



Live Music from “Loose Tooth” and Dave Regan and the Accessible Soapbox!

Join Advocacy and Peer Support WA to groove, listen and have a say.

Poetry; Stories; Disability Clothesline; Music, Song and Dance; Reverse tin rattle; Cheerleaders

Wednesday December 3rd, 2pm to 5pm at the Northbridge Piazza, Cnr James St and Lake St Northbridge

An event for people with disability and the community, by people with disability for International Day of People with Disability.

Accessible venue, Auslan interpreters, on Blue CAT bus route (nearest stop 12), accessible parking at State Library and Aberdeen St, public. Accessible toilets on James St.

Supported by Disability Advocacy in WA.

Further information contact Sam on 0412887674 or